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October 29, 2007

Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:01 am


那是我从普林斯顿毕业以后被耶鲁的研究生院录取了,就前去报道。不过我去的地方不是New Haven的总部,而是西域的一个分部。那时已经是初冬,耶鲁的研究生院在一座很高的山的山脚(凌霄山?),外面已经下了小雪。我老远就看见耶鲁那石头垒成的四四方方的口字型楼。楼有三、四层高。在口字的一角,有一个凹进去的门和楼梯。外面挂着一幅耶鲁一个college的盾牌招牌。这座楼是耶鲁的一个college。这楼的后面还有几座类似的楼。楼的前面有一道栅栏,把里面的楼都围起来,好像一个山寨一样。我看看好像是要去这栋楼,就把我大大小小的行李都搬了进去。那时还不知道住在哪儿,就把行李放在走廊里,自己去办手续。楼里面暖气很足,我也就穿着一件T-shirt,在楼里到处跑。有一次排队的时候看见前面那人是位年纪很大的妇人,就和她聊了起来。发现她是耶鲁董事局的副董事长(梦中如此),而且也认识我的host family。就一起伤心了一阵。之后她跟我说可以晚上一起吃晚饭,就道别各做各事了。之间又和她碰到几次,但都不记得说了些啥了。那时我在嘀咕耶鲁的效率怎么这么慢,都几个小时了,我还不知道要住在哪儿。转眼就到晚上了,就和那妇人在dining hall一个很优雅的地方一起用餐。餐中我向她抱怨到手续没办完,不知道什么地方住。她到很爽快,说她会打声招呼,会有人帮我的。吃完饭后我就回到我放行李的走廊,闲逛了一会。就发现有几个长得很高,很粗壮的人向我奔来。其中一个人问我的名字,我就告诉了他,心里想,这关系还真有用,一下子来了好几个人。谁知其他人扛起我的行李就往外面跑。我急了,忙问他们干什么。他们反问,你不是要到你住的地方吗?我答道,是呀。他们说,这就对了,你学的专业和你住的地方不是这儿,是一个叫cupertino的地方,离这儿开车90分钟。他们就把我的行李往楼外一个很小的车上扔,那车比美国的车小很多,和欧洲的小车类似。然后他们上了车向我招手(也不知这小车怎么坐的下那么多人的)。我听他们一说才想起当时申请的时候看到说耶鲁在cupertino有一个分校的分校,旁边有一幅图,那是一个很小的两层楼的系,房子也不是石头的,感觉很孤零零的样子。当时只瞟了一眼,一点也没有在意,可没想到自己竟真的被分配到那儿去了。我真是怨恨交加,大声叫道:I don’t want to go to Cupertino。我要知道要去那儿就不申请了。。。


October 25, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:43 am


这可不是件普通的衬衫,这可是北大的黄老师千里迢迢到Princeton陪我逛街时买的。那时是冬天,外面下着大雪。干什么好呢?就逛mall吧。于是一行几人就开车到附近的Quakerbridge mall,打发时间。到了Macy’s时,发现Ralph Lauren有25% off。我可高兴了,老早就看中一件jacket了,就是觉得太贵,一直舍不得买。。。这次可好,有折扣。我一马当先,跑到柜台前,拿了一件穿在身上。过了一会其他人走过来。我很高兴地问他们觉得怎么样。谁知黄老师只瞟了一眼就说不好看:这么小,包在身上,一点也不大气。我当时一下子就掉进了冰窟,沮丧得很。黄老师大手一挥,说,我来帮你挑吧。她很快就帮我选了两件,一件T-shirt,另一件就是这件衬衫了,说,穿上去保证好看。我也就糊里不糊涂地买了下来。




October 24, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:25 am

Preamble: This article is a description of my year 2005, supposedly accompanying my pictures for that year on my website. but I post it here anyway… it is just a snapshot of the article… future updates will only be made at the website…

What a year! I have to say… I was soooo happy at my REAL home at the beginning of the year…. and had to leave for Princeton… after reviewing both the Chinese and US market… I decided to gain some industry experience in the states… so immediately after I was back… I started looking for a job in a down market…. I wondered… hesitated… worried… depressed…. really depressed… I even asked my advisor to give me one year extension on my study…. though my secret intention was not afraid of not being able to find a job… but simply to stay at Princeton for one more year…. however… my crude advisor frankly told me… “NO”… maybe he was sooo smart that he saw through my underground purpose? (to be honest, he was still a very nice guy… he left a back door for me… saying I could submit my readmission application…) but still… I had to look for a job… after several unsuccessful interviews… I finally got an offer from a company I really wanted to get into… suddenly got excited…. then geeerrrr…. it was over… didn’t want to think about it ever again…

Knowing I would leave Princeton… soon… itself was a painful thought… so I played a lot… had a number of gatherings… went to the Street a few times… went to the international festival… communiversity… fristfest… watched movies at UFO… played pools… basically I went to every activity I could think of… hanging out with friends was such a fun thing to do… well… I had my first and most memorable surprise party… in the middle of final exams… It was quite a SURPRISE for me! Now I will still laugh when I watch the video clips some guy secretly shot in front me… no kidding… he secretly shot the video just under my eyes… sorry… no video for you guys…. it was my good old days…..

Then the semester was over… half a year was such a short period… went away in a glimpse… June was my last month at Princeton… I had to make use of my last chance… so I went to NYC quite a few times… just to meet my old friends… went to Atlantic city… went to Boston… and many places… however, I still left a lot of places unvisited… I didn’t realize it until I was about to leave… when I was at Princeton.. I always told myself that I could go there one day… but I did not… I wish I had been to Acadia… west point… or even the statue of liberty… can you believe I still haven’t been to that place!

I started my first ever full-time job… which was quite a change for me… I was afraid of saying one extra word… afraid of walking one extra step… //grin… and I had a lot of things to do to settle down on the other side of the Continent… find a place to stay… get a car… purchase furniture… and in the mean time… I had to work on my thesis…. my book chapter… gosh… I was soooo busy at that time…

And it was my happy time again… I went back to Princeton to defend my thesis! I was sooo excited about it because I could go back again… I took an entire week off… left my vacation days in negative numbers… I stayed in a friend’s place… played and played again… played Mafia… went to the street…. ate in the eating clubs and dining halls… hang out with friends… and of course… defend my thesis… you can’t assume that I didn’t prepare it… In fact, I rehearsed it many times… a long time before the defense date… (as I always do)… the date was Oct. 5th, 2005… (the date was 10, 05, 20, 05… my favourite number is… of course… 5… what a day!) The committee was: Prof. Jha, Prof. Kung, Prof. August… the presentation started at 1:30pm… went quite smooth… not many questions asked… shortly after I left the room and waited anxiously in my office, Prof. Jha came in, in smile… he shook my hand… and said: congratulations, you are a doctor now…

And it was over, no celebration, no excitement… as expected… well. an era was over… it was indeed over…

And I went back to bay area… life was plain as water… till the end of the year…

If you think some of links broken, it is not a mistake. I only put my pictures on this website. No other people will (shall) appear in the album. Many times I took pictures with many friends or just shot the scenery… And they have been left out…


October 16, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:31 am

Preamble: This article is a description of my year 2006, supposedly accompanying my pictures for that year on my website. but I post it here anyway… it is just a snapshot of the article… future updates will only be made at the website…

2006 is a special year for me. I finally got the highest degree possible: Ph. D. Even though I officially graduated in year 2005, and I’m called as class of 2005, I attended my hooding and commencement in 2006. It is a once in life event. Now I just wish that I did more… did better for this event…

The hooding and commencement are no doubt the highlight of the year. I especially invited my parents to come to Princeton and share with them my joy and happiness. My host family also attended my hooding ceremony. They were seated in the front row of the second floor of the McCarter theater. To me, it was the best seat for the hooding ceremony, as you can see from a short video showing me on stage. I really spent a lot of time figuring out the best seat. I first started thinking of the seating even two years before (2004). In that year, I volunteered (paid volunteer) to work for the hooding ceremony… and my secret purpose was actually searching for the best audience seating…

It was soooo great meeting lots of old friends at Princeton University once again. I personally have known a lot of them for 5-6 years, or ever since they first came to the University. We built up a strong friendship during our work, study and lives at Princeton. I still don’t know when I will meet many of them again in the future… but I’m sure I could not meet that many friends at the same time and place ever again… it is a sad… sad… fact of life…

I was sooo sad that I finally had to leave that place…. a place I spent five whole years of my life… honestly… it was the second best time I ever had… in my life… the best time was from first grade to sixth grade… a time I knew nothing about life… nothing about future… and precisely because of that… no other time can surpass it… But anyway…. as I walked out of the FitzRandolph gate, I knew… no matter how I unwilling I was… Princeton became a past tense in my life… It became a piece of memory… drifting away… and I had to look to the future… accept the hard, bitter life (compare to Princeton life)…

But the commencement was not all for the year. As you can see from the long list of places I went during the year… I travelled a LOT… the credit should actually go to my parents. They came to the states for half a year… attended my commencement… and travelled a LOT… we actually went out almost EVERY weekend… and I used up all my vacations for the year… What a year!… but as you might have guessed… I did not travel at all (almost) in the other half of the year… hmm… maybe I should be more active for myself?… heh?

If you think some of links broken, it is not a mistake. I only put my pictures on this website. No other people will (shall) appear in the album. Many times I took pictures with many friends or just shot the scenery… And they have been left out…


October 8, 2007

Blue Angels! Blue Angels!

Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:10 am

Today, Oct. 7th, is the annual Blue Angels flight demonstration show at San Francisco. WOW! That’s the only word I can describe it. It is my first time watching a flight demonstration, live, ever… Plus, I did not watch it at any of the piers, where tons of people must have packed every inch of space. I watched it in a private yacht specially for Princeton Alumni. That, gave me a perfect view of the entire show. It’s well worth the $$$… I have to admit, however, that most of the alumni were undergraduate alumns… I searched the entire yacht back and forth, and could only find one graduate alumun…. who got his master degree in 1984… well… it is still a world of undergraduate alumns….

The yacht was a pretty, three-storey yacht… free finger food and drinks were served at the second and third floor… half of the third floor was open so it’s perfect to view the flights. The yacht stopped at a place with equal distance to the golden gate bridge and the bay bridge… it was exactly the place where the jets would flew over in short distance… at first, we stopped exactly under the flight route…. and the planes flew over us in like a hundred feet…. becuse the jets were supersonic… we could not hear anything when they approached us… and then suddently found them just overhead… with thunder like ground-breaking noise… it. was. scary. so we backed up a little bit… and I personally felt a lot safer… who knows what would happen.. after all.. it is a really risky demonstration…

I took a LOT of pictures during the show… actually I used up all my 1G memory for my camera… and I shot over 500 pictures… you can find some of my selected pictures blow… They show how close we were to the jets… jumbo fligts…  the words painted under the jet wings could be seen with ease… and even the pilots were very clear in the pictures…

Below are some continues shots I took for a series of flight demonstration… a heart pieced by Cupid’s arrow… jets flew UNDER the golden gate bridge… and a LOT more!

At last… show two pictures of jets flying up-side-down…

oh… I love Blue Angels… I love Princeton…. I will defintely come again next year!!!!

September 30, 2007

Embarrassing Moments

Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 11:25 pm


那是上个星期二,中秋节。。。和一些朋友吃晚饭。。。和那些人也不是很熟。。。刚在餐桌旁坐下的时候想和旁边的人认识一下。。哪知他第一句话就是:上次和你一起吃饭的时候你也穿着这身衣服。。。oops。。。我什么话还没说呢。。。凭他说,我那时的架势就是想介绍自己的样子。。。不过我也不以为意,我就是记不住人,小时候就是这样。。。典型的intuitive type的人。。。随后又和他聊了起来。。。

前一个星期六我刚参加了个讲座,里面做了些性格测试。。还有一些小游戏,我觉得很有意思。。。发现不同的人看事情、想问题的方法还是很不一样的。。。以前一直说的推己知人还是很不正确的。。。。btw,我的性格是INTJ type。。。有兴趣的人可以看here

由于刚刚发现了新大陆,见着人就想问他的性格是什么样的。。。想看看他们做事像不像。。。所以在餐桌上聊了一会突然就问了那人有没有做过心理测试。。。话刚出口,就觉得自己问的不对。。。心理和性格是两回事。。。他也没有什么反应。。。就立刻又问了一次。。。问了后他还是没什么反应。。。但他旁边那人好像不太对劲了。。。我突然觉得好像问错话了。。我问的不是性格测试。。。但是什么又想不清楚。。。忙问,我刚才问了什么?well。。。我又说错一个字。。。问成性别测试了。。。damn。。。这种事竟然发生在我身上。。。这可是extremely insulting的。。。这件事当场就给这席晚饭定了基调。。。成为大家攻击的对象。。。好在他大人大量,也没有怎么追究。。。

不过这件事让我想起前一个星期发生的类似的事。。。那时我有一个朋友过来开会,和这边人聚餐一下。。。当时组织者给我打电话,问我岳阳楼和香辣轩选哪一个。。。我还说,就香辣轩吧。。。可我当时心里不知怎么想成了川蜀园。。。后来我去接那位朋友。。。出了hotel后就向川蜀园跑。。。走880,280,stevens creek。。。但我在280上竟然上了17号路。。。走着走着发现两边都是树,前面就是山。。。oops,走错路了。赶快调头。。又过了七分钟到了川蜀园,发现餐馆没灯。。。不对。。。打电话再问。。。。。。。等到了正确的餐馆时已经晚了50十分钟了。。。别人一个个都饿得像猴子似的。。。。。。真是太不好意思了。。。。//bow


September 23, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 1:42 am

几天前一位朋友突然搞到两张旧金山交响乐团音乐会的票,就一起去见识见识。hoho,真要感谢我的朋友了。。。这还不是一般的音乐会,是07-08 season opening gala,自然很盛大。去音乐会服装要很正式的。我就把我很久没穿的西服又拿了出来,戴上Princeton black and orange stripe 的领带。开车去三藩。
音乐厅是在city hall旁边的symphony hall。我停下车后还有点忐忑,不知穿的得体与否。从停车场走出来的时候发现有些人还穿着sports jacket,觉得我是不是穿得太正式了。。。可后来发现那些人全进了旁边的opera hall。而去symphony hall的人好多都打着领结,有些人打的领带也是深色杂着些小花纹,又觉得我的领带太艳。。。很久没有看人穿这么正式了,好像又回到Princeton时代。。每个人穿得都很亮眼。。只是大多数人都是中年人和老头老太太。。。


音乐会开始后MTT(the director)上台,才发觉他原来个子并不高。可他很喜欢做各种夸张的动作,很有趣。刚开始他介绍的时候突然喇叭里传出一个女生的声音。。他显得很惊奇,把话筒摆来摆去,还放到头后。。。引起大家一阵笑声。。等Fleming出来唱歌的时候他突然给Fleming一串项链,那时Fleming就要唱了,只好把项链挂在手上。唱完后下台前又硬塞给MTT。。。幕间休息后有些人进来晚了,他又转回头看那些人,把手放在眉前,要看得仔细些,像孙悟空一样。。。那Fleming也把两手握成拳状,顶在腰间,像个悍妇一样,又引起大家一阵哄笑。。。


刚开始也不知道Fleming是什么人。。但看了介绍发觉还是很牛的。。。two time grammy award winner,应该很牛了吧。。。只见她一下子唱法文,一下子唱意大利文。。只是没有一个字我听得懂。。。

休息的时候还碰到一个不认识的Princeton alum。。。我当时正在看介绍,突然听到有人在旁边叫 Princeton man。。。原来有人看到我的领带了。。就和他寒暄了一番。。。不过他肯定认为我是本科生了。。。

在听音乐的时候我突然想起我以前听的一些音乐会。。。我第一次听音乐会是我离开中国的前一天晚上。。去了中央民族乐团在北京音乐厅的一场民族交响乐。。感觉很震撼。。。不过那也是一次很伤感的经历。。。(此处略去二百字)。。。到了Princeton之后在McCarter Theatre也听了一些。。。只是都没有什么印象了。。。有时话剧、歌舞剧都有乐团伴奏的。。。可那不能算吧。。。好像听过一次钢琴独奏。。。Yo-Yo Ma那次人太多,没有去成。。。觉得很遗憾。。现在想来,我真的很浪费。。每年十次免费入场的机会只用了一年半。。其他时间都浪费了。。。悔呀。。。

第一次听University Orchestra演奏还是陪同CCTV摄制组。那时CCTV要拍一部百所名校的纪录片,在Alexandar Hall听了一次。其实演奏的时候是不能摄像的。当时我们已经被告知不能摄像了。演奏开始前有人来赶我们走,但被我们好说歹说留了下来,坐在二楼。演奏的时候那个侨报记者,也是这边联络人,看看周围没有人,使劲给摄像的人打眼色、做手势,要那人偷偷摄些镜头。。。可那人有点心虚,不敢。。。侨报记者发现那人不听从,很着急,一下子把摄影机抢了过来。来回扫了好几次。。。我在旁边也很紧张的看着有没有人来。。。这也算是一次偷拍了。。。后来那些镜头竟然出现在纪录片里。只可惜前面有一个大柱子,挡住了不少景色。。。

后来有一位朋友在University Orchestra拉小提琴,我和一些朋友还穿得猴头鼠面的去捧场。坐在边上的二楼,正好对着她。。。一辈子没看过这么搞笑的演奏。只见她一边拉着小提琴一边偷笑,不时和坐在旁边的一个小提琴手打打眼色,有时还聊两句。。。等结束后问她,她说,前面那人好像喝醉酒一样,拉得走调的一塌糊涂。。。。oops。。。我怎么一点也没有听出来。。。再后来有一次和一位朋友听她练钢琴。那是在音乐系的一个地下练琴室。发现练琴其实很无聊的,总是弹一些很难很单调的音阶。。。比弹乐曲差远了。。。她还给我们弹了两首她自己作词作曲的歌。。。我当时就崇拜的不行了。。。不过等两年后见到她时再问她有没有写歌。。。她说,No,自从失恋以后就再也写不出来了。。。。啊。。。。

话说回来,这次音乐会结束后还有个post symphony party,在city hall。。。也算去了一次city hall了。。。那第一层全是用来开party的,分三个大厅。这party真显示了旧金山人奢侈的生活。。。里面有不少小饭馆的厨师现做点心。。我吃了些Sushi(酱爆辣),salmon,tuna,及一些不知名的小sandwich。。。每个都做得精致之极。。。里面还有个dance floor,有人在唱歌,别人就在跳舞。。。和以前一样,歌很熟悉,就是不知道是什么歌。。。我又突然想起在Princeton的时候了。。。这摆设真和reunion时的tent party一模一样。。。我可是去了四次reunion,在5th reunion tent里跳舞,觉得很enjoy。。。又想起和朋友去eating club跳舞。。。charter,colonial,quad。。。OMG。。those good old days are all gone forever。。。于是又蹦进舞池,跳了几首。。。也算是怀旧一把。。。

我第二天还要上班。。。等到十二点钟的时候才依依不舍的离开了city hall,回家。。。再次感谢我的朋友。。。现在就要想怎么还情了。。。

September 11, 2007

World trade center — my host father’s story

Filed under: 往事如风 — Tags: — Fei @ 12:15 am

Preamble: This article was finished almost a year ago, shortly after I first created the series of 9.11 and the article describing my experience on that day. However, I never intended to post it on the blog in the past year.

A lot of things have happened in the past year. I still remember the last time I met my host family in a hotel near SFO. In our dinner conversation, we talked about 9.11 again… My host father was a frequent visitor of the restaurant: Windows on the World, which was on the 107th floor of the north tower. His company had a club called fifteen year club, to credit each employee who served the company for more than fifteen years. The annual banquet of the club was in that restaurant. My host father himself was the chair of the banquet the year before (2000). My host mother was actually in the tower the day before 9.11: her company invited her to have lunch in the Windows on the World. She looked down from inside the window and told her friends… it was sooo intimidating looking down… human was sooo small comparing to the gigantic concrete building… I didn’t realize at that time that it was the last time I met her…

But anyway, below is my original article with minor refinement.

My host father was born in a fire-fighter’s family. His father was a chief firefighter of a small town in upstate New York. Since his childhood, he helped his father in the fire department and gained extensive knowledge on fires. Even today we can still find some fire-fighter’s old gadgets in his house.

But he did not become a firefighter. He joined a lucrative consulting company, mainly consulting fire hazard for insurance companies. The company used to headquarter in the world trade center. One day after the 9.11 attack, he told me his story about the twin towers.

Shortly after the twin towers were completed, the company was considering to move to one of the towers. Because it’s a fire hazard consulting company, the company asked my host father to give the twin towers an inspection. The result was quite disappointing. No fire hoses were found in the high-rise buildings, neither were axes. More importantly, the doors to the emergency exit stairs were not automatically shut down in case of a fire. The smoke would soon fill the stairs, making it impossible to escape. He reported the poor condition to the company as well as the port authority. Later, because of a fire accident in one of the high-rise buildings in 1975, port authority did install electronic doors to all exits. However, the company still decided not to move into the two buildings. It moved to world trade center building seven. That building, was the third building collapsed in 9.11, mainly due to fire.

Time soon became the year 2000. In the past twenty plus years, the land of lower Manhattan appreciated significantly. As a result, the rent of world trade center also skyrocketed. The company finally decided to move out of Manhattan, to the other side of the Hudson river — Jersey city. The main incentive was, of course, the rent. The relocation could save several thousand dollars per squad foot, per year in rent. The move did not finish untill the first half of 2001. His new office was just facing the Hudson river, lower Manhattan, and the twin towers. At that time, neither him, nor the company realized the importance of the relocation. It not only saved the company millions of dollars in rent, but also saved the company itself as well as the lives of all employees.

On the day of Sept. 11, 2001. He stood in front of the window facing the flamed twin towers, as a first hand witness. His co-worker, a veteran in Vietnam War, said: I want to go to war again.

September 7, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 11:24 pm







September 6, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:32 am






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