It’s two years since my dear personal website was cut off by the Princeton OIT people… and I always felt lack of something… so I started writing my blog last year… and I still felt something missing… well… now I should feel happy… at least for one thing… I have a new personal website (beta)… launched today!
I’m still working on the content of the website… mostly adding more pictures… because I want to keep a single code base (computer term)… I still put all my essays in my blog and my new personal website just RSS the blog… and I put all my pictures in my picasa album and also my website link to that… another important reason that prompted me to do this way is that I host my website using an old computer borrowed from my company… at home… in comcast… so you know I can’t use a lot of bandwidth… hehe… it is shared w/ the bandwidth for my personal use… however… I still encourage you guys visit my website… instead of the album/blog directly… coz I may use multiple album accounts to save my pictures… and essays? and they are linked from a single place… my website…
Also, a more important reason is that I will put some ads from google to the website… haha… want to make some money… I really envy some guy… (don’t want to mention the name)… who can earn over a hundred dollar a month simply by visitors clicking the ads… for me…. no hope… my blog has less than a thousand clicks over the last year … I’m still working on the ads part… hope google will grant my application soon…
… and also, I even applied a domain name for my website…. too bad my name was already registered by some unknown guy… so I made some compromise… now you can access my website by
please visit often… give me some feedback… and don’t forget the ads..
Comment by sf_wind — October 2, 2007 @ 6:51 pm