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August 13, 2008


Filed under: Readings — Fei @ 12:43 am

Came up with a blog: Hindsights, loved it. It’s from Guy Kawasaki….

Ten hindsights? what do I learn from them?

#10: Live off your parents as long as possible.

Yah, it’s perfectly correct…. I delayed entering job market as long as possible… but I missed my chance to do more 🙁 (crying)… now when I meet anyone who’s in school… I advise him/her the same thing… :p looks like I’ve experienced a lot..

#9: Pursue joy, not happiness.

Heh? what does it mean? Do what you like… that’s most important… I won’t accept any boredom in life (borrowed from 4 hour work week)…

#8: Challenge the known and embrace the unknown.

Yah, I feel the same way… people are often so into what they are doing and lose the big picture… am I doing the same? hmm… I don’t know… maybe I’m also too into it… so…. I need a second opinion… and I rely on YOU to give me one…

#7: Learn to speak a foreign language, play a musical instrument, and play non-contact sports.

One foreign language.. done… though not quite good… music.. oh man… even though I’d love to learn…. I didn’t think so at age 4…. learning is HARD…. and consider the conditions in china at that time? …. sports… a…. I miss the good old days…

#6: Continue to learn.

No need to say anything… learning is quite enjoyable… can’t waste time…. no matter what… (it’s easy said than done).

#5: Learn to like yourself or change yourself until you can like yourself.

yup… yup…. like myself is important… be myself is equally important… and I need to work on it…

#4: Don’t get married too soon.

ha… seems I do it quite well…. I agree with what Guy said… knowing myself…. and accept the other person as is…. hmm… but I have my issues….

#3: Play to win and win to play.

don’t quite get what it means… but if I’m determined to play…. I’m into it… that’s what I feel…. but failure is also precious…. just hope it’s not too much…. and I expect to get up again…

#2: Obey the absolutes.

yah.. relative is an indication of being OLD….

#1: Enjoy your family and friends before they are gone.

oh man… there’s only one thing in the world cannot be bought…. it’s time…. how to make use of it? I wish I could do more… I wish I could enjoy more… I wish….

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