Fei's Website Everything about Fei

February 16, 2009


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 9:09 pm

H1N1 Virus

OMG…….. I was soooooooo pissed…. the hosting company hided a virus to my website… I could not believe it… The website behaved abnormally for a while…. sometimes when I was in the back office, I could not click some buttons…. once I clicked them, I was brought to a spamware website and started downloading virus to my computer…. thanks for my McAfee, it was blocked…. and some friends complained that google/microsoft blocked my website because it contained virus…!!!!!!!!!

It drove me crazy!!!!!!! What a hosting place…. 

Anyways… it’s clean now… hope nobody is really affected by the virus… 

Sorry for everybody.

Think the bright side… cheers…

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