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December 13, 2007


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 1:22 am







南京大屠杀也被称为南京事件,Nanking Massacre,Rape of Nanking。对此我就不多说了。




紧接而来的是1998年的印尼反华人大屠杀。the first thing coming to your mind… is… what?

然后是911以及反恐战争。 有人说,当世界其他地方的人看见双子塔倒下的时候是兴奋,这是美国的悲哀。我说,这是美国的悲哀,也是世界的悲哀。。。

生活在其他地区、其他时间的人对南京事件有何看法呢?这正是我们对秦始皇、成吉思汗、扬州、嘉定、奥斯维辛、广岛和长崎、文化大革命、卢旺达、印尼反华、911 etc.的看法。

One million, is a number; three hundred thousand, is a number; three thousand, is also a number; and one, is still a number. But does number matter?

Recently, the US House passed a resolution urging the Japanese government to formally apologize for the wrong doings of the “comfort women” in WW II. Yes, it is the right thing to do… we can say that because we know our history… More recently, the US House committee voted to call the mass killing of Americans in Turkey in WW I as an act of genocide, almost one century after the killing. Is the purpose of the bill really to reveal that forgotten history? Or is it just a result of the dynamics of domestic politics? Can we nod our head and say: yes, it is the right thing to do, with the same confidence? If we can’t, can we expect other people view the “Nanking affair” from the same angle as we do?

I cannot list all the holocausts in history. Frankly, I only know a small portion… but same is for everyone else in the world… they may just happen not knowing the rape of Nanking. How is Nanking any different from Auschwitz, Yangzhou, Jiading, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rwanda, Indonesia, New York, Iraq, and many other places in the world? In some sense, maybe it is not. Maybe we need to know what happened, learn the lesson, and focus on the future.

Don’t make me wrong, we have to remember the history, if we don’t, no one else will… we have to remember our history, because there are people in the world only remembering their own history… but simply remembering “our” history is not enough… if we do, everyone else will follow… You may say, we have to do this, it is how the cards are played right now… yes, it is the current situation… but are the cards played under the right rules? for the right purpose?

Hatred, hatred, hatred… but hatred alone does not solve any problem… and do we hate the right target? For this, I like what the Japanese American said in the panel discussion at Stanford a month ago: it doesn’t matter whether it’s Japanese or German, it’s war, it’s war that make people lose themselves. it’s war that make people inhumane. it’s war that make people insane.

and it is war…

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