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April 1, 2008

Business Opportunities

Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 10:09 pm

Recently, as many of my friends have already known, I partnered with several friends and started a sideline business. The business is for a network marketing company. For most of my friends, their first reactions are the same: how can you do this, why do you do this? I’m not going to hide anything here, nor will I try to convince you that it is a good opportunity. Before I join the company, I’ve already known the general reputation of such companies in many people’s minds, including many of my friends. Everyone has his own opinions on such companies. I’m well aware of the risks involved. The more important questions are: how do you manage your risks, and what do you expect to get out of it. It’s still very premature to reveal my exact reasons to join. Here I just want to raise to your attention why you might want to open your mind and start something similar.

I’m not going to lecture you on the issues I deem important. Instead, if you are interested in reading, it doesn’t hurt reading one of the New York Times #1 best seller: “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. It is a very popular book and I presume many of you have already read it, or at least heard about it. The more important thing is, what do you get out of the book? After you read this best seller book, if you are still interested, though you might have some questions, you can read his second #1 best seller in New York Times: “Cashflow Quadrant”. If you see some interesting points from his second book, why not playing a game Robert invented, the cashflow games. At last, if you agree with at least some of his points, here’s the last book I recommend you to read for now: “The Business School for People Who Like Helping People”.

Frankly, as many rich and famous people, Robert Kiyosaki is a controversial person. Many people attack his ideas, his methodologies. I don’t endorse all his ideas, instead, I reserve my opinions on many of the principles he advocates. However, I do agree with his arguments on mindset and value systems. You, after reading those books, may derive your own opinions. Maybe you don’t like his ideas at all; maybe you don’t care his categorizations; or maybe, you want to try something different. There is no right or wrong. Different people have different paths, different value systems, different trade-offs. But at least, you need to know the options in order to make a conscious decision.

Anyways, I will say no more. This article is not trying to convince you anything, not trying to sell you anything. As I said to some of my friends already, I’m not going to hide anything. At the very least, it is just to let you know what I’m doing now, and raise your alarm bell when I talk with you.

You can visit two websites a few of my friends created if you want to know a little bit more:

Well, let me know what you think if you are ever interested in reading the books I mentioned above. I’m always interested in hearing from others.

p.s. My adventure may turn out to be a total disaster eventually. This message only reflects my thoughts now and now only (and I’d like to record it down). However, I’d like to cite a few words from Robert’s “Cashflow Quadrant” : Many people will not head down the street until all the lights are green. That’s why they don’t go anywhere.


  1. Congratulations first! Good to know that u start your own sideline buz.
    My MBA classmates and I are also seeking some opportunities these days. We have talked a lot but ACTION is the most important part!!
    I have read the first book u mentioned few years ago and it might be a good idea to review it.

    Comment by yx — April 2, 2008 @ 12:52 am

  2. Wow, I think it must be exciting to try new things, congratulations and good luck!

    Comment by Manfred — April 19, 2008 @ 9:25 pm

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