Fei's Website Everything about Fei

January 31, 2014


Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 10:53 pm



青蛙们总是有探索精神的。要想知道天是什么,唯一的办法就是靠近天做试验。于是青蛙们组织了一个又一个科学探险队,顺着井壁向上爬。可是井壁又湿又滑,青蛙们最多只能爬到离井口二分之一的地方就掉了下来。青蛙们于是在离井口一半的地方做了一个又一个试验,没有发觉那个亮孔比在井底看到的亮孔有什么不同,只是大了一点。根据青蛙的Razor principle,青蛙的科学家们总结出“天”的特征:天是亮亮的,圆圆的,有时光线有些变化;天可能比能直接看见的范围要大,可其它部分对青蛙的世界没有影响,已经超出了“科学”的范畴。







© Copyright 2008 by Fei Sun. This article may not be copied, printed, forwarded or modified by any means without author’s permission.

December 26, 2012

Buddhism — the religion of everything (IV)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes,Uncategorized — Fei @ 12:24 am





To me, Buddhism is a bread, sliced to pieces, with nuts inside. It is not about human, not about science, but it is about everything, because we are everything. However, has Buddhism explained everything? What’s outside the bread? Nobody knows.

After all, Buddhism is a religion, a religion of everything.


Buddhism — the religion of everything (III)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 12:20 am

Haven’t updated it for a long time, here are the remaining two parts…






August 5, 2011

Buddhism — the religion of everything (II)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 4:44 pm

说到轮回,这可是佛教的核心思想之一。世间万物,不管是在地狱界、饿鬼界、畜生界、阿修罗界、人界、 天界,都已经活了亿万年了。万物们从生到死,投胎再生再死,循环反复,无止无息,永远在苦海里轮回。那究竟是什么决定下一世成为什么,出生在何方呢?那就 是“业”(Karma)。佛教认为,万事万物由因生果,因果即是业。人死后(这里以人指代万物,因为我们最熟悉人,也最在乎人),人的地水火风都散去了, 但人在今生的所作所为都记录在“业”里,人前面千百万世的所作所为都记录在业里。而正是这个业决定人下一世出生在六界的哪一界,命运如何。打个比方,业就 像水,盛于一容器中(这容器是什么,到现在也没有定论,一说是人的第九感)。当人造善业,就相当于往容器里加水;当人造恶业,就相当于放容器的水。人死后 容器里水的多少就决定人下一世的命运。

这里千万不能用静止的观点看业,业不是一个恒定的状态,业是因缘,是过程。比方说,现在的我和五年后的我是同一个我吗?五年后,我身上绝大多数细胞都是新 的。五年后,我的思想和现在的思想也可能很不一样。五年后,不管是物质上还是精神上的我都和现在很不一样,我还是我吗?这里牵涉到一个什么是自我的问 题。。。很复杂,很复杂。。。我简单的认为,还是可以说是同一个我的,因为在这五年间的每一个瞬间,我的物质上或精神上的变化都是很小的。业也是一样的。 虽然今生的业和来生的业可能很不一样(业不是静态的),那都是我的所作所为点点滴滴积累的结果。

佛教认为,人是有轮回的,世界也是有轮回的。世界也从产生到毁灭,再产生,再毁灭。。。我们的世界和天人的世界产生毁灭的步调不尽相同。有可能我们的世界 毁灭了,我们就跑到其他法界里了。有可能天人的世界毁灭了,天人们也跑到其他法界去了。这里要说明的是天人界有很多层(就和地狱界有很多层一样),有可能 只有一层的天人界被毁灭掉。

那佛又是什么呢?佛是觉悟的人。佛洞察了世界的奥秘,摆脱了苦海。佛的最终境界是无善无恶:善念不起,恶念不生。成佛要经历很多步骤。我暂分为两大方面: 一是修业力,二是洞察世界。要成佛首先要悟到四圣谛,修八正道,这样就可以成为罗汉了。然后要悟到十二因缘,成为辟支佛(此为一种解释,有说辟支佛是自我修行脱离苦海的,但并不是通过学佛的)。 再后要发菩萨愿,悟到六波罗蜜,成为菩萨。要成为无善无恶的佛,就要把自己的善恶都除去。而对人来讲,恶总是很难除去的,所以成佛的途径是修善,要修菩萨 道,以自己的极善把恶念除去,最后再将自己的善念除去,才能成佛。如果你在一世之内悟到所有方面,就可成佛了(释迦摩尼是一晚上悟到的)。如果你只悟到四谛,不好意思,你成为罗汉了,你的“我执”还没有灭掉,又不会死,成佛更难了(佛教一支这么认为)。成佛是极难极难的。我们的世界到现在只出了个释迦牟尼佛。下一个佛是弥勒佛,那要等到佛教消亡了以后才会产生。。。大家可以做做成佛的梦吧。。。


从哲学上来讲,佛教属于week atheism。不承认世上有神的存在(即便是佛,也是由人产生的)。佛教并没有说明世界为什么是这样,只说这是“天道如是”。看来佛教也有一些没有说清楚的地方。。。

July 8, 2011

Buddhism — the religion of everything (I)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 9:43 pm

Because I learned Buddhism in Chinese, this article is written in Chinese.





June 29, 2011

Christianity — the religion of human (V)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 10:07 pm

In Christianity, human is special. Human is the ruler of the world. Bible is solely written for human. If we find some aliens in the future, we may not teach them Christianity (but they may have some Bible of their own). Christianity is for human, and human alone. Human only lives once. After people die, their bodies and souls disappear, but their spirits choose to go to two places, Heaven, or Hell. Since human is so important, God send the savior, Jesus, to earth, and showed people the road to salvation. The road is simple: follow Jesus, do good deeds. 

Human is special in the sense that God grant human free will. It is one of the central concepts in Christianity. It is mentioned many times in Bible and Christians use it to explain a lot of phenomena. Yes, God choose to grant human free will at all time. Or, in other words, God can influence human’s will through other means, but God cannot intervene human’s own will directly. Here I use “can not” instead of “do not” because they mean the same to me. I know in English, they have very different meanings. The former imply that God do not have the ability to do it, but the latter merely infer that God choose not to do so. However, I choose the former based on “razor” principle. The two descriptions describe the same way God influence us, but the latter description introduces more assumptions.
This is obviously unacceptable for Christians. How can the all mighty God not be able to do something? The best answer I got was that God is perfect, God do not need to influence human’s free will, not very convincing to me. This example is not to question the all mighty God. I use this example only to illustrate the fact that God make a lot of decisions as He influence the world. When He make some choices, He shut the door to some other choices at the same time.

To me, Christianity is like a piece of bread, with a nut residing inside, which is the same nut in the previous chapter. We can verify everything inside the nut using scientific methods. But as for the rest of the bread, only people accepting Christian assumptions can see it. Other people can only see void… The piece of bread, however, has a boundary. The boundary is the assumption Christians make: There exists an almighty benevolent God. What’s outside the boundary? It is the realm of God. Human cannot perceive in his limited mind. Is there a bread or not? Is there a boundary or not? Nobody knows. 

It goes back to belief. After all, Christianity is a religion, a religion of human.

March 19, 2011

Christianity — the religion of human (IV)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 4:19 pm

First, I’d say God want to create an intricate, self-sustained world. God will not create a broken world that require His every attention. This, is the assumption I make. (If you think the world is broken, you don’t need to read any further.) In a self-sustained world, the method to “evolve” from the most primitive living cell to the most complex human exists. However, the method exists does not mean God did not create all the living beings. The key is time. 

We say the existence of high intelligent beings on earth is a low probability event. We don’t know how low the probability is because we don’t know how large the whole set is. However, by searching neighboring planets and stars, it seems the probability is low. The evolution from one family to another family who fits the environment better is also a small probability event. The probability may be so small that each step in the evolution takes millions or billions of years following the conventional evolution mechanism. God, on the other hand, may have His own schedule. He may not be willing to wait for billions of years to see the evolution outcome. Thus, God periodically injects some minute perturbation to the world, which make small probability events become large probability events, following His discretion. If you believe the evolution process takes too long (some consider several evolution steps take too long), you can use the same argument to explain the long evolution process. 

Thus, the evolution theory and creation theory can be united. From science side, different families of animals are indeed evolved because each family of animals is only slightly different from the family it is evolved from. On the other hand, without God’s injection, we may not see such a fast (or slow) evolution, or we may not see an evolution following the current direction. In this sense, species are “created”.

Now the question becomes: how does God inject the perturbation. If the injection is too abrupt and at a large scale, it may undermine the intricacy of the world. I think the injection is in a very small scale, so small that the modern physics cannot detect the turbulence of the injection. And the nature provide a perfect means for such injections. It is at the atomic level. Remember in the previous chapter I mentioned that quantum mechanics, which is the theory to describe subatomic particle behaviors, only provide data of statistical importance? God may well change the probability of a sequence of events at subatomic level, making possible an evolution with extreme low probability (or reverse). 

Now, the controversy between creation and evolution are mitigated.

March 6, 2011

Christianity — the religion of human (III)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 4:56 pm
Here I use another example to illustrate that a middle way may be found between science and Christianity. It is the well known creation-evolution controversy[1]. I don’t want to make a judgment whether creation or evolution is wrong. I just want to emphasize that creation does not prevent evolution, and evolution also leaves room for creation. 

Evolution theory was widely accepted in the 18th century, after Charles Darwin found the connections between different species. It requires that the difference of neighboring species be small because the environmental change is slow. Thus, species “evolve” gradually. The fossils of animals need to present similar characteristics alone the time line. Most Christians believe that evolution theory has some limited success in explaining the subtle difference between neighboring species at different locations. However, they do not believe families with totally different characteristics can be evolved from one to another, such as bird and fish. More importantly, they believe that human beings were created by God as it is clearly written in Bible. Thus, they reject the evolution theory because they believe human beings are separated from other primates. [An analogy for evolution theory and creation theory is going up hill via a slope and via stairs. The height difference of two neighboring points in a slope is small, but over distance, the accumulated difference can be significant. The height difference of two neighboring points in the stairs are either negligible, or significant.]

In the early days, evolution theory was frequently attacked by the creationists that the transitional fossils (fossils transitioning from one family to another) were seldom found. However, as time goes by, more and more transitional fossils were found. It seems that evolution theory has won; creation theory has lost. 

However, creation theory directly derived from the Bible never claims that the difference among species has to be large. Only later do humans make analogy between God’s creation and human’s creation, and assume that the difference between species has to be large, because humans cannot create intricate artifacts with minute difference using his dumb hands. To me, this assumption is wrong. When God create a self-sustained world (assume the world is created), He cannot be stupid enough to leave such an obvious trace that the species are created. If species cannot evolve from one to another, the world can easily obtain a symmetric harmony. I personally believe that the Garden of Eden was such a world. In that world, time does not exist (or have no meaning). 

The Christians would disagree: you just give up creation and admit evolution, which is directly against the Bible! Don’t worry, I would say, let me show you the middle way hypothesis.

[1] Wikipedia: Creation-evolution controversy.

February 20, 2011

Christianity — the religion of human (II)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 1:46 am

At first sight, Christians have a hard time, because science is widely accepted in the world today, as scientific experiments have been tested. However, whatever God says are not tested as often.

We need to go back to the scientific method of “repetition”. This method applies better in natural sciences, and is less successful in social sciences. When we take a second look at the Bible, it is not obvious to me that God said much about natural sciences. It is understandable because the Bible was written thousands of years ago. The Bible is like a history book describing the stories or legends at that time. As we discussed before, we cannot “repeat” history. We never know what exactly happened at that time. Each party can find supporting evidence and hard-to-explain phenomena. 

Here I give you an example. On September 11, 2001, four commercial planes were hijacked and flown into landmarks, causing severe damages. It was well recorded in American history. After the attack, FBI, CIA, and homeland security operated full time to look for the terrorists. They found Bin Laden. However, mysteries of the attack were never resolved. Some people suspected that the twin towers collapsed not because of the two hijacked planes but because they were secretly demolished after the attack, perhaps for the benefit of insurance. The wreckage of UA-93, which hit west Pennsylvania, was never found. Only a big hole was found in that area. People could not find a lot of plane wreckage from the plane that hit Pentagon, and some people questioned the official announcement of the Pentagon attack. Thus, some conspiracy theories were spread among people, claiming the attacks were plotted by the US government. Which one do you believe? Each side has its own evidence. As an observer, you may believe in the US government, or the conspiracy theories. No matter what you believe, you may be biased by your own preference. You tend to choose to believe the facts that support your assumptions, and ignore the counter evidence. The 9.11 event happened less than ten years ago. If we still cannot tell exactly what happened with all the advanced recording devices we use in the 21st century, how can we be certain what happened thousands of years ago, which were only based on incomplete documents? 

You choose what you believe based on your basic assumptions. Christians would believe everything in the Bible. Atheists would only believe some history stories in the Bible, if they are supported by documents and can be reasonably explained in science. Other stories are treated as exaggerations, or imaginations.

February 8, 2011

Christianity — the religion of human (I)

Filed under: The World in Fei's Eyes — Fei @ 11:05 pm

Here I use the word “Christianity”, but it has a broader meaning than what we usually talk about in life. I will mostly focus on the existence of God (Theism) and the Old Testament. Only in the end will I mention a bit of the New Testament and Jesus. In this sense, the major part of this article can also be applied to other religions, such as Judaism[1]  and Islam, which believe in the Old Testament as well. 

I have encountered many Christians in my life. They consider the Bible as the uttermost truth in life. They place their life in the hands of God and let God make decisions for them. Whenever they encounter an obstacle, they wonder why God has chosen this way for them. Whenever they receive unexpected luck/fortune, they give credit to God. They try to find a way out between science and the Bible. If there is a potential conflict, they would doubtlessly choose the Bible and question science. 

Many atheists don’t like the life Christians have chosen. In part, Christians seem to give up part of their lives to the God. Their reasoning seems unscientific. More importantly, some Christians would argue on issues that science has already drawn reasonable conclusions. 

Christians, on the other hand, are worried for the atheists because atheists have cut their connections from God. Christians often argue that a true atheist should analyze all religions in the world and conclude that all Gods are fake and thus God does not exist (here they actually mean nontheism). However, most atheists do not even make an attempt to understand different religions and draw their conclusions based on ignorance.

I totally understand the opinions of the two parties. They make different assumptions on the world. Of course their conclusions are different. Atheists believe in science. Christians believe in God. Their conflict intensifies when science draws one conclusion and God says otherwise. But can we find a middle way that science and God can be together peacefully?


[1] At the time of writing, I didn’t know much about Judaism. Now (07/08/2011) I realize that some of my assumptions were not correct. For example, Judaism doesn’t have the notion of Heaven or Hell. It only advocates that when the Savior come, all dead will come back to life. However, it doesn’t mention what happened to those people after they die and before the Savior come. It also does not mention what happened after those people come back to life (live happily ever after?). This, in some sense confirmed my belief. See “Where are we” for details.

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