Fei's Website Everything about Fei

September 23, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 1:42 am

几天前一位朋友突然搞到两张旧金山交响乐团音乐会的票,就一起去见识见识。hoho,真要感谢我的朋友了。。。这还不是一般的音乐会,是07-08 season opening gala,自然很盛大。去音乐会服装要很正式的。我就把我很久没穿的西服又拿了出来,戴上Princeton black and orange stripe 的领带。开车去三藩。
音乐厅是在city hall旁边的symphony hall。我停下车后还有点忐忑,不知穿的得体与否。从停车场走出来的时候发现有些人还穿着sports jacket,觉得我是不是穿得太正式了。。。可后来发现那些人全进了旁边的opera hall。而去symphony hall的人好多都打着领结,有些人打的领带也是深色杂着些小花纹,又觉得我的领带太艳。。。很久没有看人穿这么正式了,好像又回到Princeton时代。。每个人穿得都很亮眼。。只是大多数人都是中年人和老头老太太。。。


音乐会开始后MTT(the director)上台,才发觉他原来个子并不高。可他很喜欢做各种夸张的动作,很有趣。刚开始他介绍的时候突然喇叭里传出一个女生的声音。。他显得很惊奇,把话筒摆来摆去,还放到头后。。。引起大家一阵笑声。。等Fleming出来唱歌的时候他突然给Fleming一串项链,那时Fleming就要唱了,只好把项链挂在手上。唱完后下台前又硬塞给MTT。。。幕间休息后有些人进来晚了,他又转回头看那些人,把手放在眉前,要看得仔细些,像孙悟空一样。。。那Fleming也把两手握成拳状,顶在腰间,像个悍妇一样,又引起大家一阵哄笑。。。


刚开始也不知道Fleming是什么人。。但看了介绍发觉还是很牛的。。。two time grammy award winner,应该很牛了吧。。。只见她一下子唱法文,一下子唱意大利文。。只是没有一个字我听得懂。。。

休息的时候还碰到一个不认识的Princeton alum。。。我当时正在看介绍,突然听到有人在旁边叫 Princeton man。。。原来有人看到我的领带了。。就和他寒暄了一番。。。不过他肯定认为我是本科生了。。。

在听音乐的时候我突然想起我以前听的一些音乐会。。。我第一次听音乐会是我离开中国的前一天晚上。。去了中央民族乐团在北京音乐厅的一场民族交响乐。。感觉很震撼。。。不过那也是一次很伤感的经历。。。(此处略去二百字)。。。到了Princeton之后在McCarter Theatre也听了一些。。。只是都没有什么印象了。。。有时话剧、歌舞剧都有乐团伴奏的。。。可那不能算吧。。。好像听过一次钢琴独奏。。。Yo-Yo Ma那次人太多,没有去成。。。觉得很遗憾。。现在想来,我真的很浪费。。每年十次免费入场的机会只用了一年半。。其他时间都浪费了。。。悔呀。。。

第一次听University Orchestra演奏还是陪同CCTV摄制组。那时CCTV要拍一部百所名校的纪录片,在Alexandar Hall听了一次。其实演奏的时候是不能摄像的。当时我们已经被告知不能摄像了。演奏开始前有人来赶我们走,但被我们好说歹说留了下来,坐在二楼。演奏的时候那个侨报记者,也是这边联络人,看看周围没有人,使劲给摄像的人打眼色、做手势,要那人偷偷摄些镜头。。。可那人有点心虚,不敢。。。侨报记者发现那人不听从,很着急,一下子把摄影机抢了过来。来回扫了好几次。。。我在旁边也很紧张的看着有没有人来。。。这也算是一次偷拍了。。。后来那些镜头竟然出现在纪录片里。只可惜前面有一个大柱子,挡住了不少景色。。。

后来有一位朋友在University Orchestra拉小提琴,我和一些朋友还穿得猴头鼠面的去捧场。坐在边上的二楼,正好对着她。。。一辈子没看过这么搞笑的演奏。只见她一边拉着小提琴一边偷笑,不时和坐在旁边的一个小提琴手打打眼色,有时还聊两句。。。等结束后问她,她说,前面那人好像喝醉酒一样,拉得走调的一塌糊涂。。。。oops。。。我怎么一点也没有听出来。。。再后来有一次和一位朋友听她练钢琴。那是在音乐系的一个地下练琴室。发现练琴其实很无聊的,总是弹一些很难很单调的音阶。。。比弹乐曲差远了。。。她还给我们弹了两首她自己作词作曲的歌。。。我当时就崇拜的不行了。。。不过等两年后见到她时再问她有没有写歌。。。她说,No,自从失恋以后就再也写不出来了。。。。啊。。。。

话说回来,这次音乐会结束后还有个post symphony party,在city hall。。。也算去了一次city hall了。。。那第一层全是用来开party的,分三个大厅。这party真显示了旧金山人奢侈的生活。。。里面有不少小饭馆的厨师现做点心。。我吃了些Sushi(酱爆辣),salmon,tuna,及一些不知名的小sandwich。。。每个都做得精致之极。。。里面还有个dance floor,有人在唱歌,别人就在跳舞。。。和以前一样,歌很熟悉,就是不知道是什么歌。。。我又突然想起在Princeton的时候了。。。这摆设真和reunion时的tent party一模一样。。。我可是去了四次reunion,在5th reunion tent里跳舞,觉得很enjoy。。。又想起和朋友去eating club跳舞。。。charter,colonial,quad。。。OMG。。those good old days are all gone forever。。。于是又蹦进舞池,跳了几首。。。也算是怀旧一把。。。

我第二天还要上班。。。等到十二点钟的时候才依依不舍的离开了city hall,回家。。。再次感谢我的朋友。。。现在就要想怎么还情了。。。

September 11, 2007

World trade center — my host father’s story

Filed under: 往事如风 — Tags: — Fei @ 12:15 am

Preamble: This article was finished almost a year ago, shortly after I first created the series of 9.11 and the article describing my experience on that day. However, I never intended to post it on the blog in the past year.

A lot of things have happened in the past year. I still remember the last time I met my host family in a hotel near SFO. In our dinner conversation, we talked about 9.11 again… My host father was a frequent visitor of the restaurant: Windows on the World, which was on the 107th floor of the north tower. His company had a club called fifteen year club, to credit each employee who served the company for more than fifteen years. The annual banquet of the club was in that restaurant. My host father himself was the chair of the banquet the year before (2000). My host mother was actually in the tower the day before 9.11: her company invited her to have lunch in the Windows on the World. She looked down from inside the window and told her friends… it was sooo intimidating looking down… human was sooo small comparing to the gigantic concrete building… I didn’t realize at that time that it was the last time I met her…

But anyway, below is my original article with minor refinement.

My host father was born in a fire-fighter’s family. His father was a chief firefighter of a small town in upstate New York. Since his childhood, he helped his father in the fire department and gained extensive knowledge on fires. Even today we can still find some fire-fighter’s old gadgets in his house.

But he did not become a firefighter. He joined a lucrative consulting company, mainly consulting fire hazard for insurance companies. The company used to headquarter in the world trade center. One day after the 9.11 attack, he told me his story about the twin towers.

Shortly after the twin towers were completed, the company was considering to move to one of the towers. Because it’s a fire hazard consulting company, the company asked my host father to give the twin towers an inspection. The result was quite disappointing. No fire hoses were found in the high-rise buildings, neither were axes. More importantly, the doors to the emergency exit stairs were not automatically shut down in case of a fire. The smoke would soon fill the stairs, making it impossible to escape. He reported the poor condition to the company as well as the port authority. Later, because of a fire accident in one of the high-rise buildings in 1975, port authority did install electronic doors to all exits. However, the company still decided not to move into the two buildings. It moved to world trade center building seven. That building, was the third building collapsed in 9.11, mainly due to fire.

Time soon became the year 2000. In the past twenty plus years, the land of lower Manhattan appreciated significantly. As a result, the rent of world trade center also skyrocketed. The company finally decided to move out of Manhattan, to the other side of the Hudson river — Jersey city. The main incentive was, of course, the rent. The relocation could save several thousand dollars per squad foot, per year in rent. The move did not finish untill the first half of 2001. His new office was just facing the Hudson river, lower Manhattan, and the twin towers. At that time, neither him, nor the company realized the importance of the relocation. It not only saved the company millions of dollars in rent, but also saved the company itself as well as the lives of all employees.

On the day of Sept. 11, 2001. He stood in front of the window facing the flamed twin towers, as a first hand witness. His co-worker, a veteran in Vietnam War, said: I want to go to war again.

September 7, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 11:24 pm







September 6, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:32 am






September 5, 2007

Decade Away

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 12:30 am

最近听了很多Vienna Teng的歌。But I did not even think of checking the lyrics.其中一首歌我老听成decade away,觉得很凄凉。When I checked the lyrics out a few days ago, I found it was actually decade and one… which actually a little disappoints me… :(我感觉decade away其实也别有一番风味。Now a days, distance in space is not a problem.电话、因特网可以瞬时和对方联系上。And jet planes can transport a person to anywhere on earth in tens of hours.但对时间上的距离人们却是一筹莫展。Even though time is just another dimension, man still don’t have the freedom to go back and forth. 而只能以一个特有的速率前进,aging. Even though two persons are only a decade away, they cannot come any closer, which is a really, really sad thing. 爱因斯坦从理论上提出了一种方法可以使人在时间轴上变得更近。It only requires the two person travel at different speed…但难道真的要我以0.99c的速度出去兜一圈吗?

September 4, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 11:33 pm









September 3, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 1:38 am


In every April at Princeton, the university and the community co-organize a street fair, called, communiversity. The community sets up lots of tents in the Nassau street, while the university puts tables in front of the Nassau hall, used by the student organizations. For the first time I went to the event, I had a lot of fun… lots of people… it was sooo rare to see that many people in such a quite town as Princeton. Some people were selling snacks, some were selling little artifacts, and some did live performances… When I went to the event for the second time, however, I found something strange…. there was no single graduate organization table in the event… I suddenly had an idea.. that I could set up a table here to advertise Chinese culture… and at the same time to make some money… so… I started to plan for the next year… 

一年后我很早就和international center的主任打好招呼,说我也要摆个摊位。同时回国的时候采购了不少小玩意儿。和那个undergrad chair以ACSS的名义注册了一个摊位。。。这也算是我以公家的名义做了一点私事。然后就天天盼那天的到来。可communiveristy的前几天我收到一封信,说那天可能下雨,活动可能取消,要当天早上七点等最后通知。。。我的心顿时凉了。。。但还抱着一丝希望,盼着那天不要下雨。。。可事实是,早上果然收到通知说活动取消。。。那可是我plan了一年的活动呀。。。失望的心情就不用说了。可我看看窗外,只有毛毛细雨。等到九点钟的时候连细雨都停了。。。真恨美国的天气预报,一点都不准。。。后来听说别的社团更惨。。CSA买了很多dumpling,原来准备大赚一笔,最后只好自己一个一个的吃掉。。。

So another year went by. Having last year’s experience, I did all the preparations well in advance. This time, I applied a table under the name of CIGS… Because I was quite annoyed that the graduate students were excluded from the event at all, I complained it to the GSG…

我当时complain了两件事。一件是那时研究生院第一次学本科生,出了一本facebook,里面有每个新生的大头照。还把所有人按照国籍分类。。。可里面把香港、台湾都分列一项。我当时建议分类改成country and region。。。第二件事就是这communiversity的事了。。。谁知道这第一件事引起了很大的争议,台湾不用说了,一些人把Tibet都抬出来,说是什么occupied territory,于是又是一番争吵(我说话有时很sarcastic的)。。。而第二件事竟然没人提及。。。一年后第二本facebook出来之后,我发现更糟,香港并到中国里了,但台湾还是单列。于是又complain了一把。。。GSG没人理睬。当我把这件事report到ACSS board时,发现也没人理睬。。。只好作罢。。。有些事大家都不care,但还是要说的。。。这是题外话了。。。

I also wrote an email to the university chair of the communiversity, questioning why he did not inform the graduate student clubs… and obviously, it worked… soon after my email, I received a notice asking for participating… and it also postponed the application deadline for graduate clubs for two weeks… at that time, I hoped that through this effort, the graduate clubs would be informed in every year’s communiversity… don’t know what the situation looks like today…


This, is some kind of experience in my boring everyday life.. in retrospect, it was a lot of fun… I just don’t know when I will have another chance to get a table or tent to sell stuff in the street le…

September 2, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:09 am



August 30, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 10:10 pm





Disclaimer: The articles in this series may only be called “drafts”. They may be modified repeatedly. New materials may be remembered days, months or even years after the initial draft is finished. The drafts may only reflect my thoughts at the time of writing. It cannot be assumed that I possess the same thoughts at other times. As a matter of fact, I change my way of thinking quite frequently. The rules for this series are as follows:

1. Current events will not be recorded.
2. Issues affecting my current means of living will not be mentioned.
2. No specific names will be mentioned.
3. The drafts are totally biased. In fact, it is only my point of view.
4. The stories are solely for the purpose of recording the past. They may not be carefully crafted.
5. By no means the articles in this series may be copied or forwarded without prior permission.

August 29, 2007

Princeton University in the Independence War

Filed under: Toast Master — Tags: — Fei @ 8:04 pm

Disclaimer: This speech is solely for the fun of toast master international speech. The stories may not be historically accurate, nor is impartial. Please listen with discretion.

Thanks Mr. Toast Master…

Fellow Toast Masters, and honored guests. Today, I want to talk about Princeton University in the independence war.

When we talk about a war, what do we talk about? We talk about the start of the war, the turning point of the war, and the success of the war. And I tell you, Princeton University played a significant role in all three historical events.

The war formally started after the declaration of independence was signed, which was 1776.  A total of 56 people signed the declaration, and three of them were the alumni of the College of New Jersey, which only later changed its name to Princeton University. But a fourth person also signed the declaration. He was even more famous at that time, and among the Princetonians today. He is, John Witherspoon, sixth president of the College of New Jersey. He is the only clergyman, and college president that signed the declaration, not Harvard, not Yale, but Princeton.

After the war broke out, general George Washington really had a hard time. The continental army was defeated repeatedly. General Washington was in great need of a victory to boost the morale of the troops; to show his leadership; to prove that the independence was the right way to go. So the time came to the Christmas eve of the year 1776. In that evening, when it was supposedly a time for family reunification and peace, general Washington crossed the Delaware river, and attacked British troops the day after Christmas. We call it, the battle of Trenton, which was only 13 miles south of Princeton. On January 3rd, 1777, Washington’s army marched to a place only 3 miles south of Princeton, a place we now call it, the battlefield. As you can see from the name, it is where the battle of Princeton took place.

When we talk about the battle of Princeton, we have to talk about the story of the three canon balls. During the battle, Nassau hall, which was the only building for the College of New Jersey at that time, was exchanged hands three times by the British troops and the continental army. At one time when the British troop was in position of the Nassau hall, the continental army had to fire three rounds towards their own building. They fired three canon balls. The first canon ball, obviously, missed its target. The second canon ball.. hit the south wing of the building and bounced back, left a permanent scar on the wall, which can still be seen today… What’s interesting is the third canon ball. It went through a window of the prayer hall, which is now called the faculty room, and decapitated a portrait of King George II, the king of Britain at that time. The canon ball, however, left the frame and other parts of the portrait intact, only the King’s head was gone. The British troops must have thought it as an omen, since they promptly withdrew from the building shortly after the attack. And the continental army re-occupied their own building.

It was at Princeton and Trenton that Washington made his first major victory. After that, the British crown lost most of the cities of New Jersey; and the continental army recruits tens of thousands of new solders. It changed the course of the independence war. So… battle of Princeton was the turning point of the war.

After the battle, the continental army achieved more and more victories, fewer and fewer defeats… and the time soon became 1783. In that year, the Continental Congress met at Princeton’s Nassau hall from July to October. This, made Princeton the capital of the United States for four… whole… months… It was during that time at Princeton, the Continental Congress learned of the signing of the treaty of Paris, which basically ended the war. And welcomed the first foreign minister from Netherlands. It was during that time, general George Washington attended the commencement of the College of New Jersey, donated 50 guineas as a testimony of his respect to the College, and had a portrait taken in front of the Nassau hall. If you know about general Washington, you should know that he did not want to have portraits taken. It is said that in his lifetime, only three portraits were taken, and one of them was at Princeton. The portrait depicted his definite success at Princeton that changed history. After the painting was finished a year later, it was framed using the same frame for the portrait of King George II. Today, you can still see this portrait in the faculty room of the Nassau hall. To show the Princetonians all-encompassing culture, on one side of the window hangs the portrait of general Washington, on the other side is a portrait of King George II. When you go to Princeton, don’t forget to see those portraits.

Princeton University is the only university that played such an important role in the independence war. It participated the start of the war; it was the turning point of the war; and it signaled the success of the war. Without Princeton, we may still be ruled under the British Queen today. In every year’s July 4th, the independence day, we should not only think about the founding fathers: Washington, Jefferson; we should think about, Princeton.

Mr. Toast Master

Time: 6 minutes 45 seconds
Date: 08/29/2007

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