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December 13, 2007


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 1:22 am







南京大屠杀也被称为南京事件,Nanking Massacre,Rape of Nanking。对此我就不多说了。




紧接而来的是1998年的印尼反华人大屠杀。the first thing coming to your mind… is… what?

然后是911以及反恐战争。 有人说,当世界其他地方的人看见双子塔倒下的时候是兴奋,这是美国的悲哀。我说,这是美国的悲哀,也是世界的悲哀。。。

生活在其他地区、其他时间的人对南京事件有何看法呢?这正是我们对秦始皇、成吉思汗、扬州、嘉定、奥斯维辛、广岛和长崎、文化大革命、卢旺达、印尼反华、911 etc.的看法。

One million, is a number; three hundred thousand, is a number; three thousand, is also a number; and one, is still a number. But does number matter?

Recently, the US House passed a resolution urging the Japanese government to formally apologize for the wrong doings of the “comfort women” in WW II. Yes, it is the right thing to do… we can say that because we know our history… More recently, the US House committee voted to call the mass killing of Americans in Turkey in WW I as an act of genocide, almost one century after the killing. Is the purpose of the bill really to reveal that forgotten history? Or is it just a result of the dynamics of domestic politics? Can we nod our head and say: yes, it is the right thing to do, with the same confidence? If we can’t, can we expect other people view the “Nanking affair” from the same angle as we do?

I cannot list all the holocausts in history. Frankly, I only know a small portion… but same is for everyone else in the world… they may just happen not knowing the rape of Nanking. How is Nanking any different from Auschwitz, Yangzhou, Jiading, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rwanda, Indonesia, New York, Iraq, and many other places in the world? In some sense, maybe it is not. Maybe we need to know what happened, learn the lesson, and focus on the future.

Don’t make me wrong, we have to remember the history, if we don’t, no one else will… we have to remember our history, because there are people in the world only remembering their own history… but simply remembering “our” history is not enough… if we do, everyone else will follow… You may say, we have to do this, it is how the cards are played right now… yes, it is the current situation… but are the cards played under the right rules? for the right purpose?

Hatred, hatred, hatred… but hatred alone does not solve any problem… and do we hate the right target? For this, I like what the Japanese American said in the panel discussion at Stanford a month ago: it doesn’t matter whether it’s Japanese or German, it’s war, it’s war that make people lose themselves. it’s war that make people inhumane. it’s war that make people insane.

and it is war…

November 2, 2007

Iris Chang

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 12:20 am

I went to a panel discussion on Nanking Massacre at Stanford today, Room 370, Bldg 370. When I got there, I was surprised to find out that the room was quite small. Less than a hundred people sat through the discussion. What happened? Is this the difference between the east coast and west coast? Frankly speaking, the discussion was still enlightening… I just wished to hear opinions from both sides, debates of some kind… but only found out its education purpose… what’s the purpose of a panel if everyone thinks the same?

It was the first time I saw Iris Chang’s parents, describing their daughter’s story on the best seller book “Rape of Nanking”. They must have talked the same story to people over and over again…

Talking about Iris Chang, I recall the first time I saw her. It was in late April, 2003, at Princeton University, the closing event for APAHM. APAHM means Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, in case you don’t know. At that time I had no idea who Iris was, but a friend dragged me there. The place was McCosh 50, the biggest classroom on campus, seating 500 people. Big the room was, it was packed, literally packed. Iris went to Princeton to promote her new book, “The Chinese in America: A Narrative History”. She did not mention Nanking during her speech at all. However, all questions from the audience were about Nanking… How popular the book was? That raised my interest… Later I talked to Paula and other people, and found out how significant the book was… The book was the first one to educate Americans on that piece of history. It was the best seller in New York times when it was first out in 1997. I kept an eye on her after the event… only sadly found out her suicide one year later…

Well, it’s 70th anniversary of Nanking Massacre… it’s time to think about it again… I actually wrote something last year, but never finished… maybe it’s time to complete my assignment…

October 1, 2007

Website Launched!

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 11:09 pm

It’s two years since my dear personal website was cut off by the Princeton OIT people… and I always felt lack of something… so I started writing my blog last year… and I still felt something missing… well… now I should feel happy… at least for one thing… I have a new personal website (beta)… launched today!

I’m still working on the content of the website… mostly adding more pictures… because I want to keep a single code base (computer term)… I still put all my essays in my blog and my new personal website just RSS the blog… and I put all my pictures in my picasa album and also my website link to that… another important reason that prompted me to do this way is that I host my website using an old computer borrowed from my company… at home… in comcast… so you know I can’t use a lot of bandwidth… hehe… it is shared w/ the bandwidth for my personal use…  however… I still encourage you guys visit my website… instead of the album/blog directly… coz I may use multiple album accounts to save my pictures… and essays? and they are linked from a single place… my website…

Also, a more important reason is that I will put some ads from google to the website… haha… want to make some money… I really envy some guy… (don’t want to mention the name)… who can earn over a hundred dollar a month simply by visitors clicking the ads… for me…. no hope… my blog has less than a thousand clicks over the last year Sad … I’m still working on the ads part… hope google will grant my application soon… Wink… and also, I even applied a domain name for my website…. too bad my name was already registered by some unknown guy… so I made some compromise… now you can access my website by www.feisun.org

please visit often… give me some feedback… and don’t forget the ads.. Tongue out

September 26, 2007


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 11:21 pm

前一段时间在blog上看到有些朋友被点名了。。。当时还窃喜。。。想自己逃过一劫。。可没想到还是被点了。。。别人点还可以脸皮厚点,可这次是Miss. Man点名,不由得心虚。不敢不从。。。Here I promise to Miss. Man, I tell the truth, only the truth, nothing but the truth… however (as everything has a however), as I said, it only reflects my thoughts at the time of writing. One cannot assume that I possess the same thoughts at other times.

A、被点到名字的要在自己的空间里写下自己的答案。然后去掉一个你最不喜欢 的问题再加上一个你的问题,仍然组成20个问题,传给其他8个人,列出其他8个需要回答问题的人的名字,还要到这8个人的博客里留言通知对方——你被点名 了,被点名者不得拒绝回答问题,完成游戏的人将会永远得到大家的祝福。
Miss. Man



In short, NO. 我连自己都不相信,何况别人。





成为一个觉者。。。哈哈。。。just kidding。。。弄清楚世界是怎么来的。。。那是痴人说梦吧。。。


从头开始,但要记住今生的所有事情。。。这是个典型的feedback optimization问题。。。












点名:Jie, Metero, Fei, Chen Z,nora,Jun Lin, jing, luoluo,被点到名字的同学,如果这个游戏太无聊,不好意思哈,谁要我在msn里面总看到你们,你们又有博客呢?fang 或者 icy的博客,可能主题明确专版专用,如果不想参加就算了,免得破坏了版面完整,想参加就热烈欢迎哈。

September 5, 2007

Decade Away

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 12:30 am

最近听了很多Vienna Teng的歌。But I did not even think of checking the lyrics.其中一首歌我老听成decade away,觉得很凄凉。When I checked the lyrics out a few days ago, I found it was actually decade and one… which actually a little disappoints me… :(我感觉decade away其实也别有一番风味。Now a days, distance in space is not a problem.电话、因特网可以瞬时和对方联系上。And jet planes can transport a person to anywhere on earth in tens of hours.但对时间上的距离人们却是一筹莫展。Even though time is just another dimension, man still don’t have the freedom to go back and forth. 而只能以一个特有的速率前进,aging. Even though two persons are only a decade away, they cannot come any closer, which is a really, really sad thing. 爱因斯坦从理论上提出了一种方法可以使人在时间轴上变得更近。It only requires the two person travel at different speed…但难道真的要我以0.99c的速度出去兜一圈吗?

August 27, 2007


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 11:09 pm





Anyway。。。没想到他现在还没找到心仪的mm。。。我也不想现在唐突地发封信问候一下。。。就在这儿 bless him ba….

August 25, 2007

Fortune cookie of the day…

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 8:22 pm

After having dinner in a restaurant today… I picked up a fortune cookie…  "Instead of worrying and agonizing, move ahead constructively"… that’s what I should do…

en… that’s what I should do now…

August 7, 2007

Vienna Teng

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 11:25 pm

I did not expect to listen to Vienna Teng’s concert again today… but it just came true… Thanks for the Palo Alto county… The songs were sooo beautiful… just the same as the album I have, “waking hour”. I had a copy in my car and I listen to it once a while… it’s quite a feeling… and I keep the original copy somewhere in my album collection… It may be my only album that has the singer and song writer’s signature…

I first heard about Vienna Teng’s song at Princeton… in person… A friend invited Vienna to give a concert at Cafe Vivian as a CSA event… I liked her song immediately… I didn’t really care about the voice… because the mixer, amplifier could turn anyone’s voice into a golden voice… but the note, the pitch, the music, and the story were all perfect… an hour’s concert was just too short… It’s hard to follow up the lyrics though… I just came to the states not long before… so it was not quite surprising… but Paula, the director of international center, also told me the same thing… I also really admired my friend… a freshman… could organize such an event… alone… what a person… I could not or dared not to do that when I was a freshman… maybe I can do it now… but it’s still a question mark…

Vienna is an interesting person… she graduated from Stanford in computer science… followed her father’s advice… but later she found out what she really liked was writing songs and singing songs… so she finally gave up all her knowledge on computer science and started her new career… a brave girl…

Back to now… I bought Vienna’s second and third album after the concert, and managed to get her signature again…. but I felt a bit disappointed… the songs, except a few, were not nearly as good as the first album… maybe I could sense something in the concert… most of her songs she sang today were from the first album… obviously, she changed her style… maybe because she no longer has the feeling she had five years ago… maybe because I cannot apprehend her feeling now… it’s indeed hard to write songs… requiring a lot of intuition… she’s no longer a little girl… must have experienced a lot… as I could see from her tattoo around the neck… she could sing the old songs the same as before… but no more new exciting songs… I just feel like her five years ago more…

Anyway… bless Vienna Teng.. a Chinese folk singer that loves music…

by the way… it is freaking cold today… I realized it immediately I arrived at the park.. everyone’s wearing jacket or blanket… I only wore a T-shirt… so I was trembling all through the concert… 🙁 can’t believe the weather is like this… last year I experienced the hottest summer in history… and immediately.. this year is the coldest year in history… damn…

July 23, 2007

Is it edible?

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 11:09 pm

Just read a news from mercury news… giant squid invading monterey bay… wow… that’s quite something…. it’s definitely global warming effect… the giant squid… usually found around equator… appear here? in the freezing (or used to be freezing) water from Alaska? well, the bad news is… can’t really dive in the sea…. those 7-foot, 100 pound squids are waiting for their dinner… :(… but the water is still too cold for me… so I don’t really care… the question now is… is it edible? I love seafood… I always dream of having a grilled whole something from the sea… just like the grilled whole lamb in the inner Mongolia…. and now.. we can have grilled whole squid? sounds really tasty… 😉

In another sense, putting aside the dirty politics… global warming is not a totally bad thing… we only need to change our diet… squid is really tasty… so… we can reduce the food chain… eat less pork, beef, lamb… those stupid mammals will soon be extinct anyway… we just need to eat more primitive stuff… like squid..? or even blue-green algae… heard astronauts need to eat them in the space… and we do find a lot more of them these days… it overwhelmed all major lakes in China… hmm.. it is actually a lot more humane… coz we don’t feel like killing something… if we can live with that… global warming is a piece of cake… or not a problem at all…

haha… can’t wait to jump into the warm… body temperature… water from Alaska… in a few years… and BBQ grilled giant squid… having blue-green algae as salad soup…;) those poor people in the east coast have to be away from the boiling water from the south… who said west coast is not good? thank God I’m in the best place… in a few years…


June 5, 2007

True or false

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 11:56 pm

In the all hands today, I was asked to give three statements about my past, two false and one true… Below are my statements… guess which one is true?

1. In China, athletes are trained at very young age. When I was at elementary school, I was trained to be a table tennis player at prefecture level for a couple of years. Then I lost interest in it and became a member of the school’s track and field’s team, mainly focusing on high jumps. I was still a high jumper in part of my junior high, then I completely discontinued it in my senior high. Now I don’t do much of any sport.

2. In China, there are a lot of students in the same class. Because we have a lot of people, the competition to get good grades in the class is intense. Unlike United States, we know our relative position in the class, like top 10%, top 20%, bottom 30% etc. So, the statement is: I have never been in the bottom 50% since my first grade.

3. In my junior high and senior high, that is from seventh grade to twelves grade, we have a few kind of important subjects. Some other subjects are less important. For example, Chinese, English, maths, physics, chemistry, and politics are more important than subjects like history and geography.  For some of those more important subjects, there are some contests. They are actually step by step contests to select people for the international olympics of maths, physics, chemistry etc. I liked physics a lot. I spent a lot of time studying physics for the contests. However, I did not receive any major prize in physics contests, both in my junior high and senior high. In contrast, I started chemistry quite late. I only spent a little bit of time on chemistry, and surprisingly got better prizes, also both in my junior high and senior high. However, after I got into college, I did not take a single course on chemistry.

Which one is true?

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