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February 20, 2008


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 11:32 pm


其实去年我经历了一件很奇特的事情。somehow confirm 了我的superstition。那事情发生过后我讲给了几个朋友听。最近又告诉了一位朋友,发现自己很多细节都忘记了。唉,就写下来吧。虽然知道是要挨骂的。。。。

那是一件很不幸的事。去年五月九号,中午,我正在Toastmaster meeting里,突然收到沈大叔的电话。他这个人,一年也想不到给我打个电话,怎么会给我打电话呢?出去一听,是一个噩耗。。。Mabel突然去世了,当时就觉得天旋地转。下午给Jim打电话,什么话也说不出来,只是一个劲的哭。这里插一句,我这个人还是挺感情的,平时也看不出来,可感情到了的时候也不会压抑自己。就像我坐过山车总是叫出声一样。想叫就叫,想哭就哭。怕什么。。。。(不许笑)。。。

我也是不善于改变的。下班后竟然还去 Stanford参加一个讲座,因为那是计划好的。。。当时开车的时候真是惊险,也不知自己怎么想的,差点出车祸。。。看来精神不稳的时候真不能开车。。。讲座回来开车时给刘老师打个电话,问问他的计划。他说他要开车回Princeton参加Mabel的葬礼。我想我是不是也回去一趟,参加葬礼,再看看朋友。回家后就查机票价格,发觉UA的飞机票还真不贵。。。不过当时看飞机行程的时候觉得感觉不太对。当时也没在意。后来打电话给我老板和我父母,征得他们的同意。就正式订机票了。

那时就发觉感觉不对在什么地方了。订去Princeton的飞机行程的时候还好,可订回来的的行程就 somehow总觉得有一种下坠的感觉。不管我选哪一趟飞机都是这个感觉,觉得很奇。当时就想,飞机会不会掉下来。我以前也坐过几十次飞机,订票的时候从来没有这个感觉。当时有一点犹豫是不是买飞机票。不过觉得根据这点就不回去也太说不通了,想想还说,订吧,要是会掉下来的话我也要用我的运气去把它 cancel掉。订票的时候就不把飞机掉不掉下来考虑在内(反正感觉都是要掉下来的)。而是想什么时候回来可以把在Princeton的计划都做完,就订了星期二下午回来的飞机。


星期五晚上在等飞机的时候我觉得我的感觉很奇怪。就闭着眼睛拼命想,去的时候掉不掉?没啥感觉。。。去的时候掉不掉?还是没感觉。。。我还有意的picture去的飞机向下掉的画面,可觉得很费劲,脑子一松神,飞机又飞上去了。就怎么也弄不下来。可回来的飞机就不一样了,不用想要不要掉。只要一想到那趟飞机,就觉得要掉下来。脑子里就想像着托着那架飞机,不让它掉下来。可飞了才不会,就托不住了,总是要向下掉。。。。okay… that’s interesting… I thought…


星期二回来的时候时间很紧,赶火车快来不及了。满小姐还在电话里教我怎么翻墙从窗户上爬进她家拿我的行李。。。幸好火车还是赶上了。到飞机场的时候离飞机起飞的时候已经不远了。。我赶快去check-in。我一看电脑,heh?不对,怎么飞机是第二天早上的呢?那可不行。我立刻叫来航空公司的人,问怎么回事。。。她告诉我,飞机cancel了。。。就帮我转到Continental去了。。。手续都办好后我还不死心,问:why it was canceled? 回答道:mechanical problems。我坐过几十次飞机,第一次遇见飞机cancel了,还是因为机器故障。。。


January 23, 2008

stock market….

Filed under: Economics — Fei @ 11:31 pm

The stock market is so volatile these days… and I have my own thoughts on its direction… although I know the market is unpredictable… any prediction is meant to be wrong… (and especially for an armature like me…) I just want to find a way to laugh at myself…

so here is how I’m going to laugh at myself… and maybe the day is tomorrow…

the stock last Tuesday is at the low side for the next couple of months… the reduction of the overnight interest rate will temporarily boost the market… however, the underline problem is not solved… the inflation may become more of an issue in the middle of the year… sub-prime mortgage will still be a risk… more defaults may be seen around May…. the stock may reach new lows around May to July period. The economy in the second half of the year depends on the spread of the recession. A recession is likely to occur… If the possible recession is limited to US, which means China, India and most part of Europe will still have mild growth, the US economy will go out of this dip close year end, or beginning of 2009. Bush’s 150B dollar tax rebate may see some effect in consumer spending around year end. If the recession is more wide spread… assuming the other countries will have a delay of a quarter to half a year… the economy won’t make turn until the second half of next year… overall, this recession may be just a light one… it’s impact to semiconductor industry may be mild to moderate… however, even after the recession, the US economy may not enjoy the same growth as the past few years… as the internal issues of the economy cannot be overshadowed and thus post a greater threat…

January 22, 2008


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 8:55 pm

Preamble: wrote this article a while ago… so it is not “news” any more…

Google just launched its googlepedia to compete with wikipedia… what is googlepedia? It is just like wikipedia with several notable differences: 1st, article authors are identified; 2nd, articles cannot be modified by others; 3rd, authors may make money out of their articles….

What a stupid idea… I first thought… the sale point of wikipedia is its impartial opinions…. and impartial opinions are due to anonymous contributions of the entire community… and now… how can the googlepedia ensure impartiality? obviously the articles will be biased… right?

However, at a second thought… I totally changed my mind… what a brilliant idea…

Wikipedia has its own problems, first of all… An article may be modified by parties of interests anonymously… though some technology can detect such actions, it only solves the problem from the surface…. Also, why people contribute? people want to spread the words… that’s the only reason for people to write to wikipedia… coz it’s anonymous… there are two other causes to write… be famous… and be rich… it’s a real, practical fact… unfortunately, wikipedia cannot use either of them… also because it’s anonymous… some wiki-like websites enforce named contributions… without much success… coz they only increase author’s responsibility… but not author’s motivation…

On the other hand… googlepedia can somewhat do better… people can still spread the words… names undersigned…. have more responsibility… and potentially can be more famous… and be richer… be impartial? well…. other people can comment on the articles… maybe that can partially solve the problem…

googlepedia is actually more similar to books…. both are named, both cannot be modified by other people… and both collect loyalty (kind of)… In that sense, google actually simplifies the procedure to publish books… simplifies the work of writing a book… coz even an article can be published… though it doesn’t come with a physical paper back… who reads books these days anyway?

google starts with some less conflicting areas such as science and technology… and invites some relatively well known people to write the articles… a great start move… let’s see how it works out…

January 13, 2008

What a brilliant strategy

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 10:28 pm

Some time ago, I made a connection at Los Angeles airport, having only two hours to catch the next flight with another airline at this foreign airport… Even though I checked the floor plan in advance, I felt quite nervous. Fortunately, my plane arrived on time.. so I rushed out of terminal 4 with my carry-ons, figuring out the way to terminal 2. That was quite a bit of walk… needed to cross half of the terminals… well… far it was… I had to start my first step…

When I walked half way there, I wanted to take a break… so I was kind of distracted, looking for a place to sit down… just at that moment, a voice came to my ears: do you have a question? I followed the sound, a man standing at the edge of the side walk, looking at me. Well, that’s really nice, I thought. Even though I knew my destination, it didn’t hurt to ask again… so I asked him the question, again. His answer confirmed my information. So I thanked him, started walking again. But he asked me at my back: may I just ask you one more question, just one more? Yeah, sure… he just helped me… I noticed that he held a folder in his hand, and he opened it towards me. well.. it was a flyer asking for donation. Would you donate some Christmas gifts for the children? damn… I was ambushed… I told myself… it was a trap from the very beginning… but at that time… what could I say? I gave him some cash even though it was against my rule: never donate in the street, because you never know whether the money will go to the right place.

Later I figured that the person was really smart… and the donation collection strategy was great…

No. 1, position, position, position. It is the number one rule in sales. He chooses airport, a place with a large throughput. He can meet lots of different people… at the same place… in a short time….

No. 2, strategy: if you want to get, you need to give first. He doesn’t ask for donation at first. In fact, at first sight no one can tell his real intention. Instead, he asks: do you have a question? It seems that he is a nice person offering to help (and he indeed is). It again goes back to rule No. 1, the position. At airport, lots of people are from other cities, or other countries. Many of them are not familiar with the place and in deed need help from locals. He first offers his help to other people, making them feel obliged to give something back in return. And then, he goes directly to rule No. 3.

No. 3, get to the point. After he offers help, he asks: can I ask one more question? Just one question, and that question directly ask for donation… no reasoning, no description… just ask for money… Most people will stop when he shows his intent to ask a question… because he has already offered help and the receiver would like to give something back… Remember, the receiver is in the mood of giving something back… so he catches the chance and ask for donation immediately… doesn’t give the other person a chance to jump out of the mood. Also, most people at the airport are in a hurry to catch planes. Nobody has the time to listen to long stories… the longer it takes the less the people is likely to give… it’s another reason to get to the point.

This strategy plays much better than the money for information trade… it is indeed very smart…

January 8, 2008


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 8:12 am


1. 扬州大煮干丝。这是扬州的一道名菜。干丝都是嫩嫩的,比美国那嚼不动的干丝强多了。里面配料很多,有小小的虾仁(比美国的salad shrimp还要小),新鲜的笋片,小菠菜,嫩鸡丝,等等。最主要的是,干丝要放在小鸡汤里煮,别的汤都不行。扬州菜做工精细,出了扬州就找不到了。我在美国还没有看见一家淮扬菜系的餐馆,可能和人工贵有关系吧。这道菜排名第一,主要是这菜以前很贵,买不起,就老是馋馋地想着它。

2. 油炸豆腐干。这是我在扬州经常吃的一个小吃。豆腐干要放在油锅里炸,等到豆腐干里炸得充满了气,鼓鼓的,就夹出来晾干。等到凉了以后要再放到油锅里回锅。这很重要,回锅的豆腐干才好吃。再次夹出来的时候豆腐干就不鼓了。这时候就把它剪成小块,加上作料,就好了。热热地吃最好。记得小时候经常买了吃,主要是便宜,七分钱一块。虽然只有七分钱,我也只有钱买一块。那买一块就不能剪成小块了,只能把豆腐干剪一个角,把作料灌到豆腐干的肚子里,再把豆腐干和剪下来的一小块一起给我。我就用手拿着豆腐干,先吸里面的作料,再一小口一小口的吃。那作料其实也就是兑了水的酱油。现在油炸豆腐干涨到了三毛钱一块(看来豆腐干还是很抗通货膨胀的,只涨了四倍),作料也丰富了。我也有钱买很多了,一买就是十块,虽然还是很好吃。。。可就是感觉不如买一块时的豆腐干了。。。其实这油炸豆腐干很不健康的,首先是油炸的,还不知道这用的是什么油,估计是什么地沟油 🙁 我也想过自己做,可豆腐干怎么炸都不鼓,只好作罢。。。

3.鸭血粉丝。这全名应该是镇江鸭血粉丝,不过我都是在扬州吃的,就把镇江两个字给省略了。鸭血粉丝,里面自然有鸭血,可我对鸭血不怎么感兴趣,主要是其他东西味道很好。记得小时候在离家不远处有一个新华书店,冬天里每天晚上在书店门口有一个游动的鸭血粉丝的小摊子。那时候每天晚上九点多钟爸爸就骑车带我到那小摊子去吃粉丝。粉丝五毛钱一碗,很是好吃。粉丝是山药粉丝,里面有两个半块豆腐干,两个小鹌鹑蛋,一点黄豆芽,绿叶菜,海带,鸭血,两片切得极薄的牛肉片。冬天里吃上这一碗热腾腾的粉丝,很是舒服。我叫爸爸一起吃,可爸爸觉得太贵,就看着我一个人吃 🙁 。。。后来也吃过很多粉丝,也自己做过粉丝,放了很多好吃的东西,也很喜欢吃,可就感觉比那时的粉丝差了些。在扬州正规店也买不到这种粉丝了。。。虽然在地摊上有时还看得见,可总觉得不是很卫生。。。就错过了。。





8.油墩子。 油墩子也是油炸的。用一个铁勺子,上面糊上一些面粉,再放进萝卜丝或韭菜丝做馅,上面再糊一层面粉封上。放到油锅里炸成金黄色,就好了。小时候油墩子和油炸豆腐干是在一起卖的。豆腐干卖七分钱,油墩子卖一毛钱。后来不知怎么的,那些摊子只卖油炸豆腐干了。。。所以我吃油墩子的时间也不长,就排最后一名吧。




December 27, 2007


Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 6:05 am

说起围棋,我还遇到一件很有趣的事。那时我在Princeton,围棋协会的头是我的一个朋友。有一次围棋协会举办一个丰云和棋友对弈的活动。丰云是中国第一个女九段。我第一次在电视上见到她时她还是中国国家队队员,谁想到几年之后她已经在New Brunswick开了一个围棋学校。来Princeton也是看看能不能也办个班。丰云来Princeton,我自然要去见识见识。就早早地到了International Center。丰云和一圈人下棋,丰云执白,其他人执黑,丰云是又让先又让子。丰云和一人下完一手后就和下一个人下,而那人就有丰云下一圈人的时间去考虑下一手棋。一般来说,丰云和这些业余选手下棋每手也就考虑两三秒钟,有时还要等对手想棋。而像我这样业余的业余选手也就是站在旁边看看热闹。。。

那些下棋的业余选手中有一个人叫Philip Warren Anderson,是Princeton物理系教授,1977年若贝尔奖获得者。这老头挺有意思的,喜欢下围棋。那次我正好站在Anderson旁边,他的一举一动都在我的眼底。Anderson和丰云有一块棋在对杀,眼看黑棋不行了。这时丰云下了一手,就转到和下一个人对弈了。Anderson看着棋盘,犹犹豫豫地下了一手,随即又后悔了,把棋子拿了起来。。。谁知他没有拿起刚刚放下的那颗棋子,而是那粒棋子旁边的一颗棋子。。。这个小小的错误导致了形势完全不同了,白棋被无缘无故的紧了一口气。我和其他几个观望的人都在旁边睁大了眼睛,互相看着,可就是不敢出声。不一会丰云转了回来,我就仔细地看她的表情。只见她拿了粒白子就想往下放,可放到一半又收了回来,眉头稍微皱了皱,也没出声。我当时就觉得她看出来不对了。她站在那儿静思了二十几秒钟,下了一手,就静静地转身了。这样又下了几手,原来应该黑棋死的棋变成了白棋死了。Anderson指了指那死了的白棋,很得意地看了看丰云。丰云也指了指利用那死了的白棋构筑的外势,意思是那是一个转换。一切竟在不言中。

不一会,Anderson和丰云又有一块棋对杀。Anderson指了指他的黑棋,很confident的说:一,二,三,四,我有四口气。丰云也不甘示弱,数着白棋的气:一,二,三,四,我也有四口气。然后顿了顿,说:现在是我走。。。 🙂 Anderson实在是太可爱了。。。




Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 6:00 am



December 13, 2007


Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 1:22 am







南京大屠杀也被称为南京事件,Nanking Massacre,Rape of Nanking。对此我就不多说了。




紧接而来的是1998年的印尼反华人大屠杀。the first thing coming to your mind… is… what?

然后是911以及反恐战争。 有人说,当世界其他地方的人看见双子塔倒下的时候是兴奋,这是美国的悲哀。我说,这是美国的悲哀,也是世界的悲哀。。。

生活在其他地区、其他时间的人对南京事件有何看法呢?这正是我们对秦始皇、成吉思汗、扬州、嘉定、奥斯维辛、广岛和长崎、文化大革命、卢旺达、印尼反华、911 etc.的看法。

One million, is a number; three hundred thousand, is a number; three thousand, is also a number; and one, is still a number. But does number matter?

Recently, the US House passed a resolution urging the Japanese government to formally apologize for the wrong doings of the “comfort women” in WW II. Yes, it is the right thing to do… we can say that because we know our history… More recently, the US House committee voted to call the mass killing of Americans in Turkey in WW I as an act of genocide, almost one century after the killing. Is the purpose of the bill really to reveal that forgotten history? Or is it just a result of the dynamics of domestic politics? Can we nod our head and say: yes, it is the right thing to do, with the same confidence? If we can’t, can we expect other people view the “Nanking affair” from the same angle as we do?

I cannot list all the holocausts in history. Frankly, I only know a small portion… but same is for everyone else in the world… they may just happen not knowing the rape of Nanking. How is Nanking any different from Auschwitz, Yangzhou, Jiading, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Rwanda, Indonesia, New York, Iraq, and many other places in the world? In some sense, maybe it is not. Maybe we need to know what happened, learn the lesson, and focus on the future.

Don’t make me wrong, we have to remember the history, if we don’t, no one else will… we have to remember our history, because there are people in the world only remembering their own history… but simply remembering “our” history is not enough… if we do, everyone else will follow… You may say, we have to do this, it is how the cards are played right now… yes, it is the current situation… but are the cards played under the right rules? for the right purpose?

Hatred, hatred, hatred… but hatred alone does not solve any problem… and do we hate the right target? For this, I like what the Japanese American said in the panel discussion at Stanford a month ago: it doesn’t matter whether it’s Japanese or German, it’s war, it’s war that make people lose themselves. it’s war that make people inhumane. it’s war that make people insane.

and it is war…

November 2, 2007

Iris Chang

Filed under: Freestyle — Fei @ 12:20 am

I went to a panel discussion on Nanking Massacre at Stanford today, Room 370, Bldg 370. When I got there, I was surprised to find out that the room was quite small. Less than a hundred people sat through the discussion. What happened? Is this the difference between the east coast and west coast? Frankly speaking, the discussion was still enlightening… I just wished to hear opinions from both sides, debates of some kind… but only found out its education purpose… what’s the purpose of a panel if everyone thinks the same?

It was the first time I saw Iris Chang’s parents, describing their daughter’s story on the best seller book “Rape of Nanking”. They must have talked the same story to people over and over again…

Talking about Iris Chang, I recall the first time I saw her. It was in late April, 2003, at Princeton University, the closing event for APAHM. APAHM means Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, in case you don’t know. At that time I had no idea who Iris was, but a friend dragged me there. The place was McCosh 50, the biggest classroom on campus, seating 500 people. Big the room was, it was packed, literally packed. Iris went to Princeton to promote her new book, “The Chinese in America: A Narrative History”. She did not mention Nanking during her speech at all. However, all questions from the audience were about Nanking… How popular the book was? That raised my interest… Later I talked to Paula and other people, and found out how significant the book was… The book was the first one to educate Americans on that piece of history. It was the best seller in New York times when it was first out in 1997. I kept an eye on her after the event… only sadly found out her suicide one year later…

Well, it’s 70th anniversary of Nanking Massacre… it’s time to think about it again… I actually wrote something last year, but never finished… maybe it’s time to complete my assignment…

October 29, 2007

Filed under: 往事如风 — Fei @ 12:01 am


那是我从普林斯顿毕业以后被耶鲁的研究生院录取了,就前去报道。不过我去的地方不是New Haven的总部,而是西域的一个分部。那时已经是初冬,耶鲁的研究生院在一座很高的山的山脚(凌霄山?),外面已经下了小雪。我老远就看见耶鲁那石头垒成的四四方方的口字型楼。楼有三、四层高。在口字的一角,有一个凹进去的门和楼梯。外面挂着一幅耶鲁一个college的盾牌招牌。这座楼是耶鲁的一个college。这楼的后面还有几座类似的楼。楼的前面有一道栅栏,把里面的楼都围起来,好像一个山寨一样。我看看好像是要去这栋楼,就把我大大小小的行李都搬了进去。那时还不知道住在哪儿,就把行李放在走廊里,自己去办手续。楼里面暖气很足,我也就穿着一件T-shirt,在楼里到处跑。有一次排队的时候看见前面那人是位年纪很大的妇人,就和她聊了起来。发现她是耶鲁董事局的副董事长(梦中如此),而且也认识我的host family。就一起伤心了一阵。之后她跟我说可以晚上一起吃晚饭,就道别各做各事了。之间又和她碰到几次,但都不记得说了些啥了。那时我在嘀咕耶鲁的效率怎么这么慢,都几个小时了,我还不知道要住在哪儿。转眼就到晚上了,就和那妇人在dining hall一个很优雅的地方一起用餐。餐中我向她抱怨到手续没办完,不知道什么地方住。她到很爽快,说她会打声招呼,会有人帮我的。吃完饭后我就回到我放行李的走廊,闲逛了一会。就发现有几个长得很高,很粗壮的人向我奔来。其中一个人问我的名字,我就告诉了他,心里想,这关系还真有用,一下子来了好几个人。谁知其他人扛起我的行李就往外面跑。我急了,忙问他们干什么。他们反问,你不是要到你住的地方吗?我答道,是呀。他们说,这就对了,你学的专业和你住的地方不是这儿,是一个叫cupertino的地方,离这儿开车90分钟。他们就把我的行李往楼外一个很小的车上扔,那车比美国的车小很多,和欧洲的小车类似。然后他们上了车向我招手(也不知这小车怎么坐的下那么多人的)。我听他们一说才想起当时申请的时候看到说耶鲁在cupertino有一个分校的分校,旁边有一幅图,那是一个很小的两层楼的系,房子也不是石头的,感觉很孤零零的样子。当时只瞟了一眼,一点也没有在意,可没想到自己竟真的被分配到那儿去了。我真是怨恨交加,大声叫道:I don’t want to go to Cupertino。我要知道要去那儿就不申请了。。。


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